About Us

About Us

Goal of "Garunpay app" is to make digital payments so easy and safe and universally accepted that people never feel the need to carry cash or cards. We believe India is at the cusp of a new mobile revolution, which will change the way we manage our money on the go. We see ourselves facilitating this change, through technology and dogged customer centricity.

Our Ideology

Coming together was the beginning, working together is our motto and succeeding together is our goal!

  • Our vision is straightforward – to be a leading business with the highest ethical standards, that delivers exceptional value for our customers, our employees, our communities and our shareholders.
  • Cyrus Want to make its IT solution Affordable, Consistent & Reliable, Cyrus Cares its customers to serve them Right Product, Right Quality with right time.
  • Aims to be the best-performing IT Company in the world and, as such, recognizes the need to integrate sound principles governing safety, business conduct, social, environmental and economic activities into business practices and decision-making. We aim to create solutions for our customers’ success, delivering exceptional value in a sustainable way.

  • Our vision is straightforward – to be a leading business with the highest ethical standards, that delivers exceptional value for our customers, our employees, our communities and our shareholders.
  • Cyrus Want to make its IT solution Affordable, Consistent & Reliable, Cyrus Cares its customers to serve them Right Product, Right Quality with right time.
  • Aims to be the best-performing IT Company in the world and, as such, recognizes the need to integrate sound principles governing safety, business conduct, social, environmental and economic activities into business practices and decision-making. We aim to create solutions for our customers’ success, delivering exceptional value in a sustainable way.

We believe that 'velocity of money' is key to driving economic growth. Hence, in order to achieve our goal, our technologies will be centered around simplifying commerce for people all over the world and making it easier for people to transact. This will ensure that more value gets added, more gets demanded, more is spent, and more is earned. A faster cycle is a winning situation for all stakeholders and creates a happier world.

We believe that all expansion and pursuit of expansion leads to happiness while all contraction and fear of contraction leads to unhappiness.

When we constantly strive to make 'everyone' 'happier', it brings in new dimensions to our thinking. Our purpose remains the most indispensable part of our actions and helps us continuously add value to people's lives.

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